2004-02-18 @ 9:53 a.m.

There really isn't anything left to write. The well has dried up.

Shouldn't that give me some sort of closure? Wouldn't you think that?

With the lack of the depth of thought and words, I feel quite empty.

It isn't the sort of emptiness that pain, love, joy, contentment gives.

It's just a hollow emptiness. . . .

I'm trying to make amends with the people I care about. Try to keep in touch with them because I'm selfish and lonely.

I don't expect them to forgive me because that is quite impossible.

No matter what I do or say I still manage to destroy these joys.

Just the bastard in me coming out of his hole in the wall.

Deformed by hatred and bitterness.

This is why I am a horrible human being.

. . . Boo hoo . . .

Scratch the wall || 0 scratches on the wall.

fade away - materialize