2003-09-26 @ 12:40 a.m.

Once again, I try to scrub this poor excuse for a soul away.

It's dead. . .clinging to the last remainents of the body it used enhabit.

You changed me alright.

My definition of myself is now a coward, a pathetic human being.

A poor excuse for a man. . .

I don't want to be strong anymore. I want to curl into a ball and let all the love of all the worth come to me.

Maybe you pushed me back to the bottle. . .the one chance that I have ever had at happiness.

I don't know why I did it. . .or even who did it for that matter.

I am an ugly, cruel, disformed person.

I don't deserve your time.

I'm not special.

I'm not unique.

I'm just a corpse with soul-rot.

Scratch the wall || 0 scratches on the wall.

fade away - materialize