
IDon'tPretend - 2007-04-17 08:17:09
Amen brotha'
Jack - 2007-04-17 13:22:45
I understand where you are coming from, but I hope that fear does not stop you from trying to lose weight. My sister who is a little overweight feels the same. She knows that the people who accept her, as she is, are genuine. She is a little afraid of losing that.
dailyjulia - 2007-04-17 18:37:30
I understand how you feel. But people are going to be interested in you/love you for who you are. I think that you are an astute enough individual to know which are genuine and which are fake. I worried about that too - wondered if people would see who I was, underneath the blood, flesh and muscle (because I am not a skinny girl either) and the more you worry about it, the more you take away from what you have in front of you and what could be. I do understand.
IDon'tPretend - 2007-04-18 00:20:02
You know what sucks as much as not being wanted at all? Being betrayed in the worst possible way, and then being blamed for that person's actions, and for the fact that their actions are the reason your relationship turned to complete shit.

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