2007-07-27 @ 2:25 a.m.
wow, ranting and spelling errors.

I was reading someone's diary and it got me thinking.

Anyone want to know what my deal is?

Because I'm in the mood (half-delirious from lack of sleep) to give it all to you straight.

By the end of it, you'll probably just know to want extent of an arrogant prick I am, but...I'm willing to deal with that.

...and, to most of you, this outlook doesn't apply...

Believe it or not, but I respect most of the people that read this filth.

Anyway, here's how it goes.

I hate humanity. I don't enjoy being human or being around other humans.

I can barely be by myself without getting disgusted.

It's just how I am. I've lost the never-ending patience I used to have for people a long time ago. And, I'm too tired to be polite to them anymore.

For example, when I've feeling perticularly surly, I won't shake peoples' hands and on some occations not even give them my name when they introduce themselves to me.

And, I know what you're saying, it takes balls to come up to a stranger and tell them your name and try to start a conversation.

But, in my rebutal, why should I act polite to someone I don't know and don't care to know. They are most likely just another blind sink hole like the majority of the random strangers you meet. So, why act polite and chit chat for however long just for them to walk away and you to sit, trying to unclot your brain because their mindless yammering made you almost have a stroke.

Now, this is the arrogant thing. Before I try to persue a relationship with someone, it being a friendship or it being intimate, whatever, you have to prove to me that you are the type of person that doesn't make me want to slit your own throat.

That's all, that's it. And I know that's bad, but guess what.

I just don't have any more fucking patience.

I refuse to shake your hand and tell you about myself, because honestly, you're not worth it.

Most people are never worth the effort.

There. That's my deal.

Oh and by the way, I can't stop laughing.

Scratch the wall || 3 scratches on the wall.

fade away - materialize