2007-02-17 @ 11:05 p.m.
Yeah. . .

Well, here it is. Extremely bored, and can't sleep. Time to learn something about me.

1.My name is David
2.I'm twenty year old.
3.I was born on April 7th.
4.I'm 6 feet tall.
5.My shoe size is 15.
6.People hate me because I have dark hair and blue colored-eyes.
7.Apparently, my hair and/or my eyes are pretty.
8.I get creeped out by compliments.
9.Believe it or not, one of my favorite shows in The Gilmore Girls.
10.I eat cold chef boyardee products straight out of the can with a plastic fork, because I don't think you should waste a perfectly clean bowl and fork to eat canned food.
11.I smoke Parliment Lights.
12.I smoke way too much for my own good.
13.People call me crazy sometimes.
14.I drive way too much.
15.When I can't sleep, I'll drive the highways around my house in a big circle, wasting half a tank of gas and 2 hours.
16.I have a semi-retarded golden lab named cookie.
17.She can't turn around on limolium.
18.She's backing out of the kitchen right now.
19.I think she's afriad of the garage door, that's why she won't back up.
20.She's not really retarded, just eccentric.
21.I really can't think of anything else, maybe I'll modify this later.

Have fun with it.

Scratch the wall || 3 scratches on the wall.

fade away - materialize