2004-06-01 @ 9:58 a.m.
losing battle-

Things couldn't be getting worse and better at the same. It feels as if two horses are tied to my wrists.

It's like being draw and quarter, but not really.

Good and bad are getting the best of me. . .

Good is pulling me off balance while bad is pulling me away.

I'm infattuated with a girl, that may or maynot be infattuated with me. Just looking at a picture of her makes me happier.

This always ends badly. Always.

It's also something I shouldn't talk about.

There also is a wedding. The wedding.

I don't think I was invited to the ceremony because she think I would object.

. . .and she's right. . . I would.

The reception I did get an invitation to. Another thing I don't want to go to. It seems that I would have to paint a smile on my face for that. I would, or be extremely drunk, but then I would get into a fight with the groom. Well, not "get into" more pick a fight with him.

I can't understand things.

I'm about to graduate and the gullotine is rising its blade. Last minute projects are being turned in. Last minute prayers to pass are being said. I'm not a motivated student. I can't survive this.

I am a coward and a failure.

I can't tell the women I love that I love them, and I can't do the things I need to do for me to succeed.

I believe that's the definition of failure.

All I can do is sit on my ass and write on a little screen so that I don't try to end this all.

Who am I kidding? I'm too cowardly for that.

I really don't believe this will all be alright.

This is never going to be alright.

And I cannot forget the hurt that I've caused.

And I cannot forget the hurt that I've endured.

And I cannot forget you, no matter how I try

And I cannot succeed.

This is a losing battle.

. . .And I'm tired. . .

Scratch the wall || 0 scratches on the wall.

fade away - materialize