
IDon'tPretend - 2007-03-05 22:14:20
Starke - 2007-03-05 22:24:18
I have heard pretty much the exact same sentence from a friend about a month ago. Except it was Lineage.
dailyjulia - 2007-03-06 01:47:56
*squee!* You must tell me where you're playing!
beth - 2007-03-06 12:28:45
I have yet to buy that game, originally it was because then I would never ever go to work and die of starvation. Now its because I would never pay any attention to my 6 month old daughter and she would die of starvation. Some day though, SOME DAY, I will take a month off and devote the entire thing to playing WoW..
IDon'tPretend - 2007-03-08 18:04:42
The Burning Crusade suckered you back in too, didn't it? I love Blood Elves. :o
the indefatigueable mister biased - 2007-03-13 08:43:01
<i>dominus odius in nomine patris et spiritus sancti, amen. and fucking turn on HTML, asshole.</i>

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